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Cover Band Promo Video

A cover band promo video is an essential tool for every cover band.  These promotional highlight videos are used to help a cover band book bigger and better-paying gigs. They help the cover band showcase the range of their songs, the look of the band, and the level of professionalism that the client will be paying for.

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Booking bars & casinos

Getting in the regular rotation of flagship St. Louis venues like Helen Fitzgerald’s, Sybergs, Ball Park Village, The Tin Roof, Westport Social, Hollywood CasinoAmeristar Casino, Brewskeez, & more will often hire a band solely on their promo video submission.  With so many great cover bands to choose from in St. Louis, a professionally shot cover band promo video gives you the edge you need.

Cover Band Promo VideoBooking better private events

A cover band promo video is essential for booking private events.  Corporate talent buyers want to know that the band they are hiring is professional, energetic, and entertaining.  While we offer custom packages, our standard cover band promo video is shot in warehouse equipped with full production light and sound.  This includes LED video wall, intelligent moving heads, hazer, drum riser, and truss-mounted par cans.

Seeing your cover band perform in an environment with lots of lighting production really does help elevate your earning potential with corporate buyers.  The production team we partner with can even help you put together rates/packages to pitch to talent buyers that include the lighting seen in your video.  So you make more cash – without any extra work!

Using a cover band promo video to book weddings

Weddings are a great way to fil your cover band’s schedule with high-paying gigs.  The market is very competitive for weddings and there are lots of great tools for the bride to be to research the cover band of her dreams.  When she finds your band, put your best foot forward with the best possible cover band promo video.  Help her see why talent and energy justify your price.

Contact us today to learn more about our streamlined process.  Getting the right promo video will pay for itself – fast.

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